Regional Council Grant Review Workshops
Every year Michele and Fr. Graham venture out to visit with the Regional Councils for the peer-to-peer grant review workshops. Michele shared why we do these meetings and what we have learned since they began.
“Four years ago, when I joined the staff, the Regional Councils in the NW and NE were newly formed. Many meetings were held in these regions to build and form these communities within the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. This process was built on trust and the strength of simply listening to the needs of these communities. As the years passed, we began to see more grant proposals being requested from these areas and thought it would be a strength to go out and review them from these regions before the final grant distribution meeting.
The process is similar to how the Grant Committee reviews and scores grants; the grants reviewed at the regional council meetings are only from that region. These reviews have been very well attended and insightful for the communities and most especially for us at The Catholic Foundation. We have received great feedback and information that may have otherwise been overlooked. These communities take great pride in the works of our Lord, and the parishes, churches and organizations they serve.
As the years have passed, we have seen this process grow into a regular part of the grant cycle. These workshops, which began in both the NW and the NE, now include the SE and the SW. It has become a significant tool in working with these communities and building relationships with them. Listening is a skill, and at times we forget that is often the one thing missing when working with others.”
“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
– Anonymous