Investment Philosophy
Our philosophy is to take the long-view on investing the assets entrusted to us by setting specific investment policies. We expect the endowments established at The Catholic Foundation (TCF) to be here in-perpetuity. We focus on maximizing total financial returns over the long term, taking into account an appropriate amount of risk and investing according to the Socially Responsible Investment Guidelines of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.Investment Committee
Our investment philosophy is implemented by our Investment Committee, they guide asset allocation and diversification, risk management, manager selection, and ethically responsible investing. Their strategy is supported by the The Catholic Foundation Financial Officer, and our investment consultant, AndCo Consulting.Investment Consultant
AndCo Consulting is an independent consulting firm that delivers comprehensive services for endowments and foundations. AndCo Consulting does not receive fees from any investment management funds or managers. They provide recommendations tailored to the specific investment policies of TCF, to ensure appropriate diversification and risk controls, and to meet the goals of The Catholic Foundation. Tax ID: 85-0395583Financial Disclosures
The Catholic Foundation of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe was incorporated in 1991 and organized as a New Mexico non-profit corporation. The Foundation’s purpose is to receive gifts and bequests and to dedicate their use primarily for religious, educational, and charitable activities in connection with and for the benefit of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe ministries and funding programs that are responsive to human needs.
Accounting Policies
The financial statements of the Foundation are prepared on the accrual basis of accounting and, accordingly reflect all significant receivables, payables, and other liabilities. The Foundation is required to report information regarding its financial position and activities according to two classes of net assets: unrestricted net assets, and permanently restricted net assets. Permanently restricted net assets consist of restricted funds for investment that are to be held in perpetuity with income available to support donor advised and general operating purposes.
Agency Funds
The Foundation is required to record contributions from donors for the benefit of a beneficiary specified by the donor as agency funds. The Foundation is the recipient foundation that acts as an agent for a beneficiary if it agrees to solicit assets from potential donors specifically for the beneficiary’s use and to distribute those assets or the return from investing those assets to the beneficiary.
Investment Pool
The Foundation utilizes a common investment pool to manage most of it investments. The earnings from the investments (interest and dividends) as well as investment gains and losses of the pool are allocated to the individual fund according to its percentage of ownership of the investment pool.
Distribution Policy
The Foundation’s distribution policy is to distribute an amount equal up to 4% of the average market value over 3 rolling years. The distribution percentage is determined annually by the Board of Trustees.
Annuities and Charitable Remainder Trusts
The Foundation administers various charitable annuity and remainder trust agreements with donors. The arrangements provide for agreed upon distributions over a designated period of time (usually the designated beneficiary’s lifetime or a term of years). A liability has been recorded equal to the present value of the estimated future obligation. This obligation amount includes the present value of all anticipated payments to the donors based on their life expectancy or a term of year. The Foundation revalues this liability annually.
Tax Status
The Foundation is a publicly supported charitable organization that is exempt from federal and state taxes under section (501)(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Audited Financial Statements
Audited financial statements are available. Prepared by Pulakos CPAs.